Recruiting? Looking to Hire Veterans? Contact Us

Find Your Civilian Career Path

We help members of the military, past and present, discover career options, acquire new skills, and embark upon new job experiences at the best companies in the world.

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Are you hiring veterans?
CareerRecon can help.

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Welcome to CareerRecon

CareerRecon is the Military and Veteran Community's trusted source for strategic job search and career transition advice and training. Get up-to-date information on career opportunities as well as leadership training and helpful tips to communicate your service to the civilian world!

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Transition: Military to Civilian

We can assist with your military transition with our interactive military transition Guide. Designed to help you understand and prepare for the civilian workforce. Downloadable resources that can help you prepare your resume, cover letter, social media profiles, and even prepare for the interview.

Resources for Transitioning Military, Veterans & Military Spouses

Discover employment resources for active-duty military members, veterans, and military spouses:

  • Career motivation
  • Easily digestible career resources
  • Free resources and tips about employment
  • Information on continued training/certifications
  • Programs available to the military community

Find the Right Civilian Job for You

We believe your job search should be strategic. Let Staffing & Recruiting agencies connect you to your next career.

At CareerRecon our objective is to connect you to career options at the best companies in the world. Staffing & Recruiting Agencies are looking for your talent and military experience to fill open positions around the world.

What they can do for you?

Rethinking how you search for jobs can help you in more ways than one:

  • Staffing & Recruiting Agencies can connect you to the top companies that are dedicated to hiring from the military community
  • Get a foot in the door with companies, don’t just be another resume in a stack of many
  • Staffing & Recruiting Agencies can offer a targeted career search by industry or location