Booz Allen Hamilton
Booz Allen Hamilton
Where is Booz Allen Hamilton located?
Booz Allen is headquartered in McLean, Virginia.
Do they have offices around the country?
Yes. Booz Allen maintains offices in 30 states within the country. They also operate in Southeast Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.
What areas of the country do they place people?
Booz Allen offers positions in:
- Alabama
- California
- Colorado
- District of Columbia
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Illinois
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- Texas
- Utah
- Virginia
- Washington (state)
What kinds of jobs does Booz Allen place people in?
Booz Allen offers employment in the following fields:
- Strategy and Technology Consulting
- Organization, Change, and Process Improvement
- Program Management, Human Capital, Learning, and Communications
- Systems Engineering and Integration
- Public Infrastructure
- Supply Chain and Logistics
- Cybersecurity Solutions
Does Booz Allen offer specialized service(s) to the military community?
Yes. Booz Allen offers transitioning military members a Hiring Our Heroes Corporate Fellowship, which provides internship experience for former military members.
They also participate in military-focused job fairs and sponsor the USO Metro’s Project Next S.T.E.P. (Service Member Transition Education) Program, which helps service members prepare for technical professions.
Booz Allen has been awarded the Hiring Our Heroes Military Spouse Employment Award by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation for their support of military spouse employment. The company supports veterans and military spouse entrepreneurs through organizations like SEED SPOT and the Military Family Advisory Network.
Who would this company be best for?
Booz Allen is a company ideally suited for:
- Transitioning military
- Veterans
- Military spouses
Does Booz Allen offer specialized service(s) to veterans?
Yes. While the company does not offer specific assistance for landing employment, like help with resumes or interviews, they do have a dedicated military recruiting team that can help transitioning service members find their best placement within the company.
Does Booz Allen offer discounts to military or veterans?
No. Since they are not offering specific services or training before employment with them, there is no discount to report.
What companies does Booz Allen work with?
Currently, Booz Allen partners with hundreds of different entities within the public sector, small business, and tech startup environments. Most recently, the company partnered with tech companies like NVIDIA and Databricks to better serve their clients.
What types of jobs do they recruit for?
Booz Allen supports and operates within the following industries:
- Civil Government
- Commerce
- Defense
- Intelligence
- International Business
- Energy, Resources & Utilities
- Healthcare
- Homeland Security & Law Enforcement
- Transportation/Logistics
Job Levels
- Entry-level
- Mid-level
- Management
Booz Allen has job openings for applicants at all levels of their career.
What makes them unique?
Booz Allen has a dedicated military recruiting team, which consists of employees who were themselves in the military. This means that you can connect with people who are already familiar with your background and the challenges you face during transition. This recruitment team will help you figure out the next steps for your career by covering what interests you, geological preferences, and then help you explore opportunities available at the company.
Contact Info
Contact Booz Allen Hamilton here.