C Evans
C Evans Consulting
Where is C Evans Consulting located?
C Evans Consulting is a human capital consulting and talent management agency located in Reston, VA.
Do they have offices around the country?
Just in Reston, VA.
What areas of the country do they place people?
Based on current job listings, Reston, VA and Arlington, VA.
What kinds of jobs does C Evans Consulting place people in?
- Federal contracting jobs
According to their website, https://www.cevansconsulting.com/, “Starting in late 2014, I started the business to do the thing I love most: chase (and win!) federal opportunities. The deal size and complexity make it all more exciting. As I needed more capabilities to support clients, I built a team of experts with complementary skills and capabilities who collaborate to leverage network contacts, relationships and resources with information to drive results for our clients. With my name and reputation tied to my company name, we only work with clients that we are confident about the results we can deliver.”
And according to, https://www.accelerate-talent.com/jobs-hiring/, “We help federal contractors accelerate their hiring and staffing requirements with qualified billable professionals. We address Talent and Workforce issues looking for best fit because we understand that our clients want to fulfill program requirements and maintain an engaged workforce for the length of the contract.
We are a woman-owned small business (WOSB) specializing in human capital management and human resource operations (HCM/HR) in both the Federal and commercial sectors. We work with Federal agencies and commercial organizations to look at Talent and Workforce issues that impact organizational performance; retention; and look for solutions that drive positive impacts on the workforce.”
Does C Evans Consulting offer specialized service(s) to the military community?
They do not appear associated with the military nor offer any specific discounts to the military community.
Who would C Evans Consulting be best for?
This would be a good service to veterans and military spouses looking for work with federal contracts.
Does C Evans Consulting offer specialized service(s) to veterans?
They do not offer any specialized services to veterans.
Does C Evans Consulting offer discounts to military or veterans?
They do not offer any discounts to military or veterans.
What companies does C Evans Consulting work with?
They seem to work with federal agencies and work to fulfill federal contracts.
What types of jobs do they recruit for?
- Contract
Job Levels
- Entry-level
- Mid-level
- Management
They appear to have jobs for different levels.
What makes them unique?
In addition to a job board with Accelerate Talent, they also offer business development, client outreach proposal support, leadership development on both the individual and team level, they offer assessments, and offer new hire onboarding coaching.
Contact Info
Contact C Evans Consulting here.
C Evans Consulting Review and Testimonials
C Evans Consulting Review
C Evans Consulting seems to have a nice website. However, when it comes to finding out exactly where you need to go, it is a bit tricky. You can find a link for “Accelerate Talent” that will allow you to find the place to search.
That being said, they do not seem to have much in a way of job listings and the ones they do have are from 2020. They do have some nice blog posts to read and information about their services.
C Evans Consulting Testimonials
There is currently not anything in the way of testimonials, but they did mention on Facebook that, “C Evans Consulting made the Financial Times list of Fastest Growing Companies, #115” dated, 2020.