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As a member of the National Guard or Reserve, what are the responsibilities for you and your employer? What assistance is there? Learn more.
Does a future employer have the right to know about you being a member of the National Guard or Reserves? Are you legally bound to tell them? Learn more.
As a National Guard or Reserve member, you will have to be away from your civilian job. A good relationship with your employer is a must. Learn more.
Employment Guide: Guard and Reserve-Success at Work As a guard or reserve member, you will be balancing your civilian job with your military job. This will mean knowing what your responsibilities are under USERRA (The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act), which is what protects the civilian employment of active and reserve military personnel… Read more »
Step-by-Step Guide to Employment: Guard/Reserve – Organizations That Help the National Guard and Reserves Find Employment As a guard or reserve member you will want to have a full-time civilian job that fits your schedule as well as your skill set. Those in the guard and reserves can bring unique skills to civilian workplaces. Finding… Read more »