Veterans Sourcing Group, LLC

Veterans Sourcing Group - CareerRecon

Veterans Sourcing Group, LLC

The Veterans Sourcing Group, LLC is a staffing agency that sources civilian and veteran job seekers into supplemental staff positions within large and mid-sized companies around the United States.

The company is designated as a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVOB).


Veterans Sourcing Group, LLC Quick Facts

Best For Military spouses working in healthcare
Industry Human Resources, Project Management, and more
Employment Contract, Full Contract, and Direct Hire
Job Level Variety of Levels
Military or Veteran Focus? Yes
Veteran or Spouse-Owned? No
Where do they place people? Nationwide
Contact (646) 257-2963
Website Website

What kind of jobs does the Veterans Sourcing Group place people in?

  • Human Resources
  • System Engineer
  • Software Engineer
  • IT Risk Analyst
  • Business Analyst
  • Administrative Assistant
  • Project Manager
  • Data Analyst
  • Accountant
  • Financial Analyst
  • Customer Service Representative

Based on their job board, numerous degrees and flavors of programming and IT jobs have been posted. As of this writing, there are over 296 positions listed.

Additionally, you can sort jobs by either on-site, remote, or partial remote to see which jobs fit your desired work paradigm.

Who would the Veterans Sourcing Group be best for?

According to the website, Veterans Sourcing Group caters primarily to companies needing to fill specific positions. Those positions are then uploaded to the company’s job boards.

Those best served by the company are transitioning military members, veterans, and military spouses from a broad range of career fields.

What types of jobs do they recruit for?

  • Full Contract
  • Contract
  • Direct Hire
  • Right to Hire

Job Levels

  • High School Diploma/GED
  • Associate’s Degree
  • Bachelor’s Degree
  • Master’s Degree

What areas of the country do they place people?

Veterans Sourcing Group places job seekers in positions around the country. Use the location search in the Job Board to narrow results to the city or state you are seeking.

Does Veterans Sourcing Group, LLC offer specialized service(s) to the military community?

No. There is no indication that Veterans Sourcing Group offers services specialized to the military community. The company’s focus appears to be on targeting job providers with specialized services.

Does Veterans Sourcing Group offer specialized service(s) to veterans?


Does Veterans Sourcing Group offer discounts to military or veterans?

No. According to the structure of their engagement with client companies, the companies pay all fees, not the job seekers.

What companies do Veterans Sourcing Group, LLC work with?

There are no indications on the company’s website that they regularly partner with other companies.

Is the Veterans Sourcing Group veteran-owned?

Yes. The company is a registered Service Disabled Veteran Owned (SDVO) business.

What makes them unique?

What stands out to me most is that job seekers can sort results to find remote positions. These days, the ability to work remotely is great for some and not so great for others. Those looking for remote-only positions now have that functionality when using VSG’s job board.

Where is the Veterans Sourcing Group located?

The company is headquartered in New York City.

Do they have offices around the country?

Yes. In addition to its New York headquarters, Veterans Sourcing Group maintains offices in the following locations:

  • Charlotte, NC
  • Columbus, OH
  • Morristown, NJ
  • Newark, DE
  • Orlando, FL
  • Phoenix, AZ
  • Plano, TX
  • Reading, PA
  • Shelby Township, MI

Veterans Sourcing Group, LLC Review and Testimonials

The Veterans Sourcing Group website is pretty basic and easy to navigate. Nothing that calls out to the military community is not easy to find. The homepage is very clear about the company being veteran-owned, which is excellent. However, a veteran looking for employment would have no option but to click the Job Board link.

Every tab and link on the website describes the relationship and operations between VSG and the client companies trying to source employees to fill staff positions. The links are sales-based copy that target these companies. It seems noteworthy that the “News” link is inoperable.

So, the job board is the only option a job seeker has once landing on the homepage. Only within the job board can you see the option to register or upload a resume. It’s also hard to believe that the company does not have one email address in any portion of the website.

Veterans Sourcing Group, LLC Testimonials

There are no testimonials on the website. The only testimonials I found were on Indeed, and many of them are from people who worked directly for Veteran Sourcing Group, LLC or the client companies who hired them.

Veterans Sourcing Group Contact Info


Veterans Sourcing Group Address

Veterans Sourcing Group, LLC

380 Lexington Ave., Suite 2220

New York, NY 10168


Main office: (646) 257-2963


(No email address was offered on the central portion of their website, but an email address can usually be found in the Privacy Policy documents. When you attempt to read the privacy policy, there is an error message because VSG hasn’t uploaded one.)