Hilton Honors Military Program
The National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA) has partnered with Hilton, a global hotel company, to provide assistance to veterans and transitioning service members.
Hilton Honors Military Program
The Hilton Honors™ Military Program provides up to 100,000 hotel points to eligible Veterans and service members in transition. These points can be used for travel related to verifiable employment activities like job searches, training, and house hunting.
These points are not intended for use on vacation travel or other non-employment activities. Participants can receive up to 100,000 points over their lifetime, so these rewards points do not have to be used all at once.
Hilton Honors Eligibility Requirements for Military and Veterans
Each state sets their own eligibility and residency requirements. Participants must have a Hilton Honors™ account to receive any points awarded.
Currently, there are 27 states participating in the program, and more are expected to join. The following states are currently awarding hotel points to veterans and transitioning service members:
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Florida
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Maine
- Massachusetts
- Maryland
- Minnesota
- Montana
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Mexico
- Ohio
- Pennsylvania
- Utah
- Virginia
- Texas
- Vermont
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Hilton Honors State Contacts
Each participating state has a point of contact for the program. This list was updated as of Nov 5th, 2021. For the most up to date list, please go here.
State | Name | Phone | |
AZ | Ray Tilkens | Rtilkens@azdes.gov | (520) 209-1038 |
CA | Joe Engle | WSBVeteranHiltonHonors@edd.ca.gov | (916) 651-6218 |
CA | Michael Ashby | Michael.Ashby@edd.ca.gov | (916) 654-0858 |
CO | Colin Schneider | colin.schneider@state.co.us | (303) 318-8558 |
CO | Lavade Lanier | lavade.lanier@state.co.us | (303) 636-1302 |
CO | Mark Simmons | mark.simmons@state.co.us | (719) 667-3720 |
CT | Tim Rockefeller | timothy.rockefeller@ct.gov | (860) 263-6016 |
FL | Awilda Carozza | Awilda.Carozza@deo.myflorida.com | |
FL | Eric Ocasio Nieves | Eric.OCASIONIEVES@deo.myflorida.com | |
FL | Exit Smith | exit.smith@deo.myflorida.com | (850) 245-7411 |
FL | Mark Brennan | mark.brennan@deo.myflorida.com | (850) 245-7405 |
Hilton | Melissa Stirling | melissa.stirling@hilton.com | (703) 819-4623 |
IN | Bonnie Maxey | BMaxey@dwd.IN.gov | (317) 508-4204 |
IN | David Douglass | dadouglass@dwd.in.gov | (765) 431-4293 |
IN | Lupe Martinez | lmartinez1@dwd.in.gov | (317) 407-6414 |
IN | Mark Mathes | Rmathes@dwd.in.gov | (574) 584-5562 |
IN | Rene Reshkus | rreshkus@dwd.IN.gov | (765) 431-0351 |
IO | Jamie Norton | Jamie.norton@iwd.iowa.gov | (515) 725-5452 |
KS | Gary Westerman | Gary.westerman@ks.gov | (785) 762-8870 |
KY | Jason Hutchinson | Rjason.hutchinson@ky.gov | (502) 782-3092 |
ME | John Wagner | John.W.Wagner@maine.gov | (207) 721-8201 |
ME | Mark Cafiso | Mark.j.cafiso@maine.gov | (207) 822-3344 |
MD | Mark Pindell | Mark.pindell@maryland.gov | (410) 424-3246 |
MA | Brian Ottlinger | Brian.j.ottlinger@massmail.state.ma.us | (508) 977-1407 |
MA | Robert Doucette | robert.doucette@massmail.state.ma.us | (617) 661-7867 |
MN | Laurie Javorina | laurie.javorina@state.mn.us | (612) 970-5611 |
MT | Nick Moschetti | nmoschetti@mt.gov | (406) 444-1630 |
NASWA | Lori Adams | ladams@naswa.org | (202) 434-8045 |
NV | Roberta Tapia | retapia@detr.nv.gov | (775) 684-0317 |
NV | Roy Brown | rlbrown@detr.nv.gov | (702) 486-6512 |
NH | Jonathan Alexander | jonathan.n.alexander@nhes.nh.gov | (603) 229-4407 |
NM | Chris Zafra | christian.zafra@state.nm.us | (505) 841-8517 |
OH | Chris Orr | christopher.orr@jfs.ohio.gov | (614) 466-6157 |
PA | Jeremy Bender | jerbender@pa.gov | (717) 787-1800 |
TX | Angelia Thompson | angelia.thompson@tvc.texas.gov | (832) 681-2566 |
TX | Irene Cantu | irene.cantu@tvc.texas.gov | (210) 582-1718 |
TX | Jennifer Bjorkman | jennifer.bjorkman@tvc.texas.gov | (325) 670-9547 |
TX | Joann Alvarez | tvcemployment@tvc.texas.gov | (512) 463-2333 |
TX | Natalie Nelson | natalie.nelson@tvc.texas.gov | (254) 200-2024 |
UT | Wendy Macis | wmacis@utah.gov | (801) 455-4087 |
VT | Hugh Bradshaw | hugh.bradshaw@vermont.gov | (802) 828-4240 |
VT | Larry Forsyth | larry.forsyth@vermont.gov | (802) 828-4356 |
VA | Robert M. Walker Jr. | robert.walker@vec.virginia.gov | (804) 221-5054 |
VA | Dr. Robert Walker | robert.walker@vec.virginia.gov | (804) 221-5054 |
WA | Hannah Schoepp | hireavet@esd.wa.gov | |
WA | Mike Ramos | hireavet@esd.wa.gov | |
WA | Monique Martin | hireavet@esd.wa.gov | (360) 704-6451 |
WA | Randi Bowman | hireavet@esd.wa.gov | (360) 230-1026 |
WA | Seth Maier | hireavet@esd.wa.gov | (509) 309-6089 |
WV | Chad Ketchum | chadwick.w.ketchum@wv.gov | (304) 558-1138 |
WV | Darina Shapley | darina.k.shapley@wv.gov | (304) 558-1138 |
WI | Andrew Phelps | andrew.phelps@dwd.wisconsin.gov | (608) 901-5722 |
WY | Scott McAdams | scott.mcadams@wyo.gov | (307) 777-5110 |
Veterans can also find their nearest American Job Center and ask for assistance with the Hilton Honors™ program for Veterans. The counselors at these job centers can also provide information about other services and training that can help transitioning service members.
Hilton’s History of Giving Back
Hilton’s partnership with NASWA is just one of many initiatives Hilton champions to offer assistance to Veterans
With Hilton’s Operation: Opportunity project, the company was determined to hire a total of 30,000 Veterans, military spouses, and caregivers. Launched in 2013 with a goal of hiring 10,000 veterans over five years, they exceeded that goal earlier than expected and committed to hiring more.
To learn more about jobs with Hilton, check out their Hilton Military page to see what’s available near you.
(Image courtesy of SSKH-Pictures via Shutterstock)