Finding a Job With a Gap in Your Resume

Your Employment Questions Answered: Finding a Job With a Gap in Your Resume
Sometimes the best way to learn something new is by seeking advice from those who have been there. Asking questions is how we learn about new resources or can give us perspectives we might never have thought about before. When you ask a question, you can gain the knowledge you are looking for that will help you figure out what you need to know to move forward, whatever the subject might be.
When you are a military spouse, particularly with children, you may find gaps in your resume. This can be frustrating because even if you do have the education, you may be up against a wall when it comes to finding a job when you are ready to go back into the workforce. You may feel like no one wants to hire you because of a gap or that you won’t ever be able to find a way back in. The good news is that you can in fact find a job using the right resources. This question is all about that.
Question: I have a gap in my resume and can’t find a job, what can I do?
I am feeling pretty hopeless when it comes to finding a job. I have a master’s degree in accounting which I would have thought made me pretty marketable but I feel like that isn’t even helping me. I haven’t worked in 10 years because I decided to stay home with my kids. My last volunteer position was four years ago so I don’t even have that to work for me. I am also studying for my CPA exams. I have applied to a ton of places and am still not able to find a job. I am losing hope and wonder what is wrong with me. What can I do?
Answer: I have a gap in my resume and can’t find a job, what can I do?
It sounds like you are having a difficult time finding a job. First of all, remember that your self-worth is not tied to how easily you can find a job. You have spent the last 10 years with your family and that isn’t a bad thing. The right job is out there and we want to give you some resources to help you find it. Also, know that you’re not the on;y one in this same boat. Other military spouses have put their careers on the back burner and there are organizations to help you get back into the workforce.
Here are some resources to help:
- Hiring Our Heroes is hosting a free, two-day virtual event. It is called AMPLIFY and you can register for it online. If you want to go in person, you can find them in different parts of the country such as San Antonio, TX, and Oceanside, CA. During these events, you can spend two days in intensive career development workshops and interactive sessions. Visit our Hiring Our Heroes Profile for more information.
- DCAA (Defense Contract Audit Agency) hires a lot of accountants so it would be worth looking at.
- Instant Teams was founded by two military spouses with the goal to help military spouses with employment gaps to become employed again. Visit our Instant Teams Profile for more information.
-,, and are all places to look for accounting jobs.
- Try a placement agency. You might be able to find a temporary or part-time job for the time being. This will help your mindset and your resume, even if it isn’t exactly what you are looking for.
- Go to and look for GS-0510 (accountant) service jobs. The role is considered a professional job and a degree is most likely required.
- Also, check out these articles from Career Recon:
Remember, sometimes it does take time to find the right job. Don’t give up. Take your CPA exam. And look for opportunities to further your career.