Military Employment Guide: Interviewing and Follow Up

Step by Step Guide to Employment for Military: Interviewing & Follow Up
The interview process can be intimidating. You must put yourself out there and know you will be judged. The best thing to do is go in with confidence, know what you can bring to the company, and let your skills help you get the job that you want.
Before your interview, you need to make sure you have the right outfit and you practice ahead of time. But beyond that, you need to make sure you are coming to the interview truly prepared. You can do this by researching the company, being prepared to tailor your strengths and weaknesses as assets, highlighting your measurables, communicating that you want a job, and then after the interview following-up.
Research the Company
You should make sure you know a bit about the company you are applying for. You want to read more than just a blurb too. Luckily in today’s world, it is relatively easy to research a company. Here is how you can do so:
- Visit their social media accounts. They can tell you a lot about the company and the company culture.
- Learn about their history and how they got started. Google is your friend.
- Learn about their size, their locations, and the latest news out there about them.
- Check Indeed and Facebook for reviews and extra information.
- Ask those in your network what they know about the company.
- Do they have a military affiliation? What is it?
Tailoring Your Strengths and Weaknesses to the Job Position
You will need to prepare to share how your strengths and weaknesses are a good fit for the job position. When it comes to your strengths, be confident and find ways to stand out from other applicants. Be honest and specific about what assets you can bring to the position based on your skills. Use civilian language when you are talking about skills you have learned in the military.
When it comes to your weaknesses, focus on your growth and how far you have come. Don’t mention anything that could be a deal-breaker for the company.
Highlight Your Measurables
Highlighting your measurables with actual numbers will help you stand out. It will show the company exactly what they can expect from you.
Some common examples would be:
- # of customers served
- # of people you have hired
- #of people you have managed
- Timeframe of accomplishments
- Awards you have won
- % by which you have improved
Communicate That You Want the Job
You will have to be vulnerable because you are putting yourself out there. Think about how you will answer the question, “Why do you want this job?” Explain what you know and what excites you about the company.
You can also share that this position is a perfect match for your career goals. While you don’t want to give the impression that this position will be a stepping stone, show them that you have really given through to it and how the job is the perfect next step.
Send a Thank You Card and Follow-up
After your interview, you will want to follow up. The first thing to do is send a handwritten thank you note or an email to the person you interviewed with. Next, you will need to follow up with an email. You want to plan to do this a week after the expected date they told you they would contact you by. In that letter, explain that you are following up regarding the job that you interviewed for. Tell them again about your interest in the job and that you are looking forward to hearing about the next steps. Keep it short and to the point.
Interviewing is a process. Remember to keep up on your job search, even while waiting to hear back. You should keep your search going until you have that job offer in hand and are ready to accept it.