It Takes Time to Identify Your Next Passion

It Takes Time to Identify Your Next Passion
Video Transcription
So the number one question is, what the hell do I want to do when I get out of the military? That’s a tough one. There’s no way to sugarcoat that whatsoever. I wanted to personally just continue being a troop commander in the Seal teams and continue going to war. But that wasn’t an option as the war winded down.
So you’re going to have to face this tough question at some point in your life, and you’re going to be okay. And sometimes it takes three or four or five jobs to identify what you truly want to do. And again, that’s okay as well. But if you take the time to identify what you think your next passion is, do that personal inventory, you define success. The likelihood is you’re going to end up in a role that you love a lot sooner than just taking whatever job comes your way.
I will say this, there’s money, and then there’s happiness, and the two necessarily aren’t linked.
I’ve worked jobs where I made a lot of money, but I was miserable because all I was doing was working and I wasn’t living life. So you also have to weigh that balance. What’s more important? quality of life or money? And that is a personal question. And that is a personal answer for you.